Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Fox television has started on season 2 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. The first season only went 8 or 9 episodes due to the writer's strike, but it seems fans have kept this one going. Sarah Connor and company has continued the story with about 3 episodes (so far) that directly continue from the events so far in the series. Two of the main characters, Sarah Connor and her son John Connor, are both from the Terminator movie franchise but recast to different actors. They are doing a stand up job and bringing to life both old and new elements to the characters. Also along with them, they have two new characters with exciting twists and turns. The show so far has dealt with trying to save mankind from a dark future where robots hunt down humanity. The premise of the show is to stop an intelligent super computer named, Skynet, from existing - thus saving humanity as we know it. Although it may sound "done before" the show is done exceptionally well, from the acting, writing, special effects, and even to the continuity. Well done cast and crew of T:SCC!!!! On the WOO DIG IT scale of 1 to 10, you get a very good 8.5! Well done!