Bigfoot Body Found

Two professional Bigfoot hunters claim to have found a body of the legendary creature and will present evidence of the astounding discovery to the world's press and scientists tomorrow.
Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, who run Bigfoot expeditions, say they found a dead Bigfoot in the woods of north Georgia about two weeks ago and have put the carcass in a freezer.
They along with "the real Bigfoot Hunter" Tom Biscardi, who has endorsed the find, will front a press conference in California, where they say DNA and photo proof will be presented.
Mr. Whitton, a Georgia police officer on leave to recover from a shooting, and Mr Dyer, a former prison officer, have posted photos of their "find" on their searchingforbigfoot website.
They describe the creature as being a 2.3m tall "part human and part ape" male and weighing over 230kg with reddish hair and blackish-gray eyes.
The infamous feet are described as being flat and 41cm long with five toes.
The hands also have five fingers and and the teeth are more "human-like than ape like".
The hunters claim several Bigfoots were spotted walking upright in the area the body was found but won't reveal the location "to protect the creatures".
Mr Whitton, Mr Dyer and Mr Biscardi say they will soon mount a secret expedition to capture a live Bigfoot.
Commenting on the discovery Scientific American said the apparent reluctance of the Bigfoot hunters to actually display or hand over the body would make those skeptical roll their eyes.


kiltboy said...

Friggin scammers.

bOoGiE said...

Agreed. Update from

"Bigfoot site stuns the world: It was a hoax

It was all so exciting while it lasted.
But now one has to lie down, shaking with shock, on discovering that the supposed Bigfoot discovery was, indeed, a gorilla suit in a freezer.
The Web site, owned by Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi, on Tuesday carried the words of Steve Kulls, who is apparently the executive director of something called Kulls was invited to be a witness to the thawing of the captured cadaver.
'We contacted Mr. Biscardi who gave us permission to begin an expedited melting process. We set up a salamander heater to heat the freezer,' wrote Kulls.
'Within one hour we were able to see the partially exposed head, as I was now able to touch it, I was able to feel that it seemed mostly firm, but unusually hollow in one small section,' he continued.
'Within the next hour of thaw, a break appeared up near the feet area. As the team and I began examining this area near the feet, I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot.'
Live beings do not have rubber feet.
Subsequently, Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton, the two Georgians who claimed they had happened upon Bigfoot's body, allegedly admitted their sleight of mouth.
Kulls added: 'The motives behind this fraud are still unknown at this time. It is still unclear why Whitton who, being a police officer for the Clayton County Police Department in Georgia, got up before the world and lied and was complicit in a scheme to defraud in a felonious manner.'
Of course, now legal action is threatened because there appears to have been money given to Dyer and Whitton in exchange for the gorilla suit. And, presumably, the freezer.
According to Kulls: 'At this time the victim of this series of deceptions, Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., is seeking justice for themselves and for all the people who were deceived by this deception. Due to this event peoples lives have been disrupted and many people, so wanting vindication about there prior experiences, were hurt. Let us all try to be mindful of such.'
Regardless of how many more Searching For Bigfoot T-shirts have been sold over the last week, I believe I was hurt by this deception and I hope you do too. And I look forward to each of us receiving, at the very least, several hairs from the gorilla suit."