Movie Review: Fireproof

Okay BoOgie, if you are reading this before posting your take on the movie, stop now. Continue no further. Write your review blog here, then read mine. We gotta get to posting again. I'm interested in your take. :) Love ya mann!

Well about 2wks ago, BoOgie and I took are wives to watch the movie Fireproof. I'd seen it advertised along time ago and it always looked really good. Well, it finally got to our town. It releases soon in early Jan on DVD if you missed it at the theatres. I'll be buying a copy and showing to friends and family. It is a story about a fireman who risks his life all the time to save perfect strangers but at home his marriage is "burning to the ground." An interesting twist on the topic of marriage that I don't remember seen brought to film before. Most drama films or romantic comedies bring you into a plot of two people coming together, have some struggles, and it works out in the end of the movie as a starting point for their relationship. This film shows an existing marriage that has absolutely no passion left in it, and how to regain hope and rekindle that sacred bond. It stars Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains, Left Behind, TBN, etc...) and is made by the same writers, directors, producers of Facing The Giants. It is a Christian film dedicated to keeping the vows of marriage sacred. Although it is a Christian film, non-Christians will enjoy it as well, it gives the message without being too "preachy." You will be truly blessed by watching it. Guys, sneak in some tissues, becuase there are some scenes associated to the film that may affect your allergies. Not emotions, allergies. :)

They had excellent representation of firefighters and their equipment, showed firefighters in a heroic light. Also the movie is backed up by an awesome soundtrack with some deep meaningfull songs.

I think Fireproof is a great family friendly Christian film showing a positive message of marriage in a world full of marital problems. I would warn parents there are suggestions of a character with a pornography problem, it doesn't show anything or exactly spell it out, but an adult can get the intent. It does not promote pornography, but it does show it can be a negative influence on marriage. There is some dramatic peril in some of the firefighter scenes. I highly recommend Fireproof and on the Woo Dig It scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 10!

Good job Kendrick brothers, and church team! Keep making these kinds of movies, you have my support! God Bless!!!!

Check out the trailer.

The Incredible Hulk DVD review

In the early 1980's my father and I used to excitingly gather around the television every Friday night. In great anticipation, we were ready for our weekly dose of "The Incredible Hulk" starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. When David Banner grew angered or outragged it triggered a startling metamorphisis into the Incredible Hulk!!! Lots of fun and good memories. Over 30 years later, my father and I gathered around the television the release night for the new Incredible Hulk 2008 DVD. This was a fun movie and a great DVD. It had some great extras explaining how Ed Norton even got to be involved in the acting facial expressions and motions of the CGI Hulk monster as well as his human character. Lots of fun cameos in the movie and more interlocking scenes connecting current and future Marvel Comics movies. They also played homage to the old TV show very respectfully as well as staying true to the comic. This is a reboot of sorts and is not a sequel to the Hulk 2003 psychotic thriller style movie. FYI. On the Woo Dig It scale, I have to give it a 9.0! Well done!!!


DC Heroes Vs Mortal Kombat

Another video game VS game is enroute. This time the DC Heroes/Villians take on the characters from Mortal Kombat. The site has a preview and a media clip showing some of the supermoves as well as some pretty neat screen shots. Reminds me of the oldddd days when the first two Mortal Kombat games were popular. website

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Fox television has started on season 2 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. The first season only went 8 or 9 episodes due to the writer's strike, but it seems fans have kept this one going. Sarah Connor and company has continued the story with about 3 episodes (so far) that directly continue from the events so far in the series. Two of the main characters, Sarah Connor and her son John Connor, are both from the Terminator movie franchise but recast to different actors. They are doing a stand up job and bringing to life both old and new elements to the characters. Also along with them, they have two new characters with exciting twists and turns. The show so far has dealt with trying to save mankind from a dark future where robots hunt down humanity. The premise of the show is to stop an intelligent super computer named, Skynet, from existing - thus saving humanity as we know it. Although it may sound "done before" the show is done exceptionally well, from the acting, writing, special effects, and even to the continuity. Well done cast and crew of T:SCC!!!! On the WOO DIG IT scale of 1 to 10, you get a very good 8.5! Well done! 

City of Heroes

City of Heroes has been an online superhero computer game for almost 5 years or so now. It's a fun game that allows you to create you own superhero or superheroine with distinct costume design and choose your own powers. It has been so successful that it's still going strong and they continue to add new game elements like: better graphics, more character detail options, new missions, and many - many more new features. They have special events with monsters or aliens attacking certain parts of the city and large number of superheroes turn up to help out. You can play solo or join up with up to 8 people (from all over the internet) on a team of superhero or even more for coalitions or special events. Details for their newest updates can be found here.